That Childhood Friend!!

Childhood Memories are I guess the best memories...Memories which we always cringe to re-live...Memories which I feel one can never be shy of...Memories which I believe are here to stay. And then you have in those Memories.....Your Childhood Friend..I term it My Chaddi Buddy!! Born in the same year,the same locality and the same family backgrounds..the buddy becomes your 1st playmate. The buddy is the reason your mother is forgotten for the day... The Term Friend is yet alien...but your Buddy becomes your Partner (in crime). You have 2 sets of Parents suddenly...and guess what you like your Buddy's parents a bit more. The toys..the cycles..the mischievous are all the no longer are just friends....But on the verge of forming a Gang!! The gang grows so does your bond...other kids are now envious!! You also do hate your Buddy's other friends...the term 'Space' was inexistent then!! The good things were always shared (often showed off) and the bad things ...