We are 'SECULAR'

Sonu Nigam's tweet on Azaan to Supreme Court verdict on Babri Masjid..things have happened this week which make me ponder,rethink and analyse whether we actually are a SECULAR state...

1.Supporting Minorities make u secular.
2. Bashing the largest religious populist sect makes u secular
3. Supporting a Fatwa makes you secular
4. Protest Hanging of a terrorist who belongs to minority (involved in parliament blasts) makes you secular.
5. Supporting Intolerance makes you secular.
6. Having Iftaar and no Diwali Dinner makes you secular.
7. Supporting religious fanatics visa vie  patriotism makes you secular.
8. Criticise ganesh mandal ke loudspeakers..but supporting Azaan makes you secular.
9. You can't have a Hindu vote bank. Supporting / Fielding a Muslim candidate makes you Secular.
10. Can have farmers  from a sect suffer..media won't highlight..support the suffering of another (MINORITY)sect...you are secular..

India...70 years old...World's largest democracy..perhaps the biggest and fastest growing economy...we love shahrukh.salman..aamir..azhar...akhtar..we love our kebabs...goa...mt mary church..Mother Teresa..golden temple.
China fights with us because we love our Dalai Lama.
A nation that knows how to grow,love,have faith,care and sympathy,have respect,courtesy and compassion.
The roots built by Ashoka to Shivaji to Akbar to British to Gandhi... We are a lineage of Indus civilisation..let's not let few weak and shallow individuals disrupt what we are built on..secularism for me is the Tricolour flying high..higher and highest...and we as citizens of India are and will be the sole reason for the same..

A thought that I thought I must share. I am open to all the criticisms..just a request (please do not kill me)

Jai Hind!!!!


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