When the Going Gets Tough!!

The Tough Gets Going!!! A phrase synonymous with all the sufferings, irritations, pains and all the things that make us cringe..
Have been religiously following this phrase since past so many years...finally seek an answer..Where does the SO CALLED TOUGH FINALLY GO!!!

A tough person is someone who forgets his happiness for the rest of the world or is he someone who believes in sacrosance.
A tough person is someone who slogs the most at work but let's his boss or an idiotic collegue take the limelight.
A tough person is someone who lived to fulfill other's expectations and ends up living a losers life.
A tough person is someone who does not know what makes him happy or smile anymore.
A tough person is someone who inspires...but does not have an aspiration.
A tough person is someone who should lose his voice..ego and persona.
A tough person needs to move on...irrespective of how painful moving on is!!
A tough person has to be an idol..A hero...irrespective of the fact that his own self confidence is on a Bungee dive...for a while...a WHILE!!!
A tough person has to have the most amazing ABSORBING ability...the world ends up treating him as a sucker.

A tough person Can never Complain...that is against his image!!
A tough person has to be the Most Hardworking...Come on..how would the lazy bones be lazy otherwise!!!
A tough person is always available for everyone in time at any place...toughness also does imply Slavery!!
Toughness implies Maturity...fighting for your cause ain't toughness and definitely an act of Immaturity!!
Toughness means to be tough to oneself...being tough to others is often a sign of Weakness..
Tough and Rough have a thin line in between...depends who you make happy.
Tough means to learn how to sacrifice...to earn what you rightly deserve is selfishness.
Toughness (and not cleanliness)I guess is next to Godliness.
Being tough is to see yourself in the mirror and wonder where has the charm disappeared!!

Well I could have gone on and on and on writing about Being Tough..Alas don't want to be disapproved being the ONE as well..
A BLOG THAT IS STRONGLY based on an experience...I know people who will read this and connect..For all you TOUGH people out there...TOUGH LUCK!!!!

'When the Going Gets Tough...Let's bloddy get Tougher'
Do share and comment of you agree !!


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