In Love with the Rains

It was drizzling. An afternoon had never been so cold, fresh and soothing. The canvas above was painted with huge, dark clouds with sun trying to peek in through here and there. The ground below was a scene to marvel. Lush green patches all over the hill top with trees swaying with the wind just as the melodies do with the rhyme. 

She was loving it. She just kept staring at the sky and the rain drops kept kissing her face. It was almost a love story developing between the two. The fragrance of flowers and wet mud filled the mountain top. She looked around and the entire hill top belonged to her with no one around. She looked back at the sky and she saw the clouds moving away from above. The sun rays sneaked in and touched her cheeks. She was disappointed. She wanted the rains to stay. She had waited long for this moment and alas it lasted only for a moment.

She was young and beautiful but she knew she did not have much time left. Her beauty was admired by one and all and she had a knack of bringing smiles on the face of people who saw her. But deep down, they all knew that she would not be around for long. The thought of not able to see the rains soon made her feel dejected. 

The sun was shining bright for the rest of the evening and her hope dimming. She just stood there, all alone in the hope of seeing the rains, perhaps for one last time. Her Patience too was giving up.

Soon it was dark now and the only light that was around was that of her hope. She could here the sound of winds once again. Cold winds. Winds that often carry the clouds along with them. Winds which make the trees sway, the bushes dance and convert the entire landscape into a live theatre.

She could sense it!! Yes. She could hear it coming. She looked above and there was silence. A moment of trust, a moment of confirmation, a moment of Love! The first droplets kissed her cheek and there was a gleeful smile on her face. It was a feeling similar to a first kiss. Another rain drop followed by a lots of them. She just stood there being overwhelmed. Perhaps shedding a tear of joy which perfectly amalgamated with rain drop.

It rained the entire night and their romance bloomed. The lush green hilltop was flooded, the swaying trees tired and the dancing bushes exhausted. The skies started to clear and the first rays of the sun hit the ground. The entire hill top had witnessed their romance last night. The rain had gone away. And there she was...No More!!! 

Little Daisy flower had withered away. Her beauty still intact as she lay in the puddle, the puddle which was the result of her romance. However short tenure of her life, Daisy Blossomed, with her love, with her Rains!!


  1. Very romantic indeed. Just the season to indulge in.

  2. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒThe readers thoughts got cheated , fantasy thudded in the puddle. Sarcasm at its best.

    Well written Sir๐Ÿ˜Š

  3. Lovely write up Zubin!

    Wish to see many more...

  4. Again an unexpected climax as always.... Sahi hai Zubin Bhai.


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