A Lust Story

It was 5 o'clock when the plane landed at the airport. He was a couple of hours early since the seminar scheduled for the afternoon had been canceled. He longed for a good bath and therefore, took a taxi and proceeded straight away to the hotel. A few moments later he was refreshed and came down to the lobby to wait for his friend with whom he was going to spend the weekend. They had grown up together until he had left for studies a couple of years ago.

He decided to order something from the bar. A few couples were dancing on the floor. As he looked for an empty table he noticed an attractive woman sitting alone, as if waiting for someone. She looked divine in her grey dress and he could not help staring at her.

Moving closer to her table, he asked her whether the seat next to her was vacant. She smiled uncomfortably and removed her bag from the vacant seat.

"Can I buy you a cup of coffee? " he said as he lowered himself to the seat facing her. 

She shook her head politely. "How about a glass of coke? Glass of beer? Water?" 

"No." she smiled.

"I guess you don't come here often, No we haven't met before, No you don't often watch movies. What else do I say to break the ice?" he asked sheepishly. 

"Thanks but better not, I am a married woman," she said and immediately avoided his eyes by looking out to the lobby. "Well, that's disappointing. I was just getting to know you," he said, following the direction of her eyes. "You could dance with me, though. It' is an invitation. I hate dancing alone." he continued.

"My husband will be here anytime now," she quickly responded. 

"Well, I give him till the next song to show up, else you are mine for a dance," he replied. 

A faint blush appeared on her face. She was quiet, just studying his face until the silence between them became a conversation. Still looking into her eyes, he stood up and took her hand in his and led her to the floor. As they started dancing she deliberately left a distance in between. He noticed her fingers trembling as she held to his back. 

He could not help but notice how incredible she smelled." Now you must tell me about you. What is your name? " he asked. 

"You'll have to settle for the dance," she replied. 

"If I ask you something will you answer me honestly?" he continued. 

She raised her face and stared straight at him. "Did you ask me to dance or talk?" she answered. 

"No, I can think of a hundred more flattering things. You have a very lovely voice." he continued. 

She smiled, appreciative of the compliment, but a little uneasy. "Thank you very much," she said. 

"Of course, I would expect such a lovely voice from such a lovely woman," he added. 

She did not smile this time. "Well," she brought her hand to her neck, subtly displaying her wedding ring, "I certainly am flattered by such praise." 

With the music playing in the background and the romantic lighting of the lobby, he was completely drawn to this woman. He could not help being inclined and drawn towards her every passing moment. 

"Are you married?" she asked after some time. 

"No," came the reply

"Well, some of these women are single. Who knows?" she said encouragingly. 

"Oh, it is my intent to get to know one of them," he said assuredly. His candor caught her a little off guard. Most men refrain from making such bold statements to people they just met, especially not to a woman. 

"Oh really?' she replied with a smile. "Do you know which one?" 

"Oh yes. The most beautiful one." Their eyes locked. "You!" 

She turned away from him.

He realized that this woman was very different. The idea of coveting what belonged to someone else turned him on. "Why don't you hold me closer?" he asked.

"I...just don't want to attract attention us," she said shyly. 

"You won't. Everybody else is doing that," he told her. 

"I don't want you to think..." she started. 

"Shh." he placed his finger on her delicate lips. 

Finally, she allowed herself to be brought closer, close enough to look deep into each others eyes. He could now move his hand caressingly over her tender waist. He could feel her every breath, could smell her skin.

"Are you scared?" he asked looking her in the eyes. 

"When did I say that?" came the reply.

"You don't have to say it, it shows. A man senses these things," he told her. 

She did not move. He could feel her warmth in front of him, their faces almost touching. They danced  for some time.

"You don't like the music, do you?" he asked her. 

"I love music. I just don't like your stare. They are so intense. I can't bear it. You watch me all the time" she replied. 

"I am afraid you are to blame. Do you realize just how truly beautiful you are? How inspiring you are? I thought you were the most exquisite woman from the moment I saw you. I did not think you could be any more beautiful." I could stand here all my life and keep staring at you." he whispered in her ears. 

"Do you say this to every woman you meet?" she smiled, her eyes sparkling now. 

"Only when she makes me want to." he replied holding her hands now. 

"I believe in appreciating true beauty." saying that he rubbed his thumb across her hand. She was uncomfortable. She could sense he desired her. She seemed to struggle for something, perhaps a reply, but could not think straight. 

His arms around her waist, pulling her gorgeous body towards him was sensual and he loved how he felt. He tightened his arms around her waist as he pulled her closer . Her breasts now gently pressing against his chest. He felt her shiver. To her, that would not be acceptable, but for some reason tonight he did not care.

"Looks like a nice group of people," she said to break the moment.

His fingers were sliding over her soft skin as he replied "A friendly group of people and one Gorgeous woman." She seemed embarrassed. 

"Why should I pretend I'm thinking of anything else? All I am really trying to figure out is how I can go about to steal a kiss from you." he heard himself say. 

She did not turn to look at him as if nothing had been said, but the longer she was silent, the more real the words seemed to hang in the air between them. He kept staring at the face without any apology, determined to play his way through. He realized they had stopped breathing. There seemed to be no movement around, no music in the room. 

" We must get back to our seats now," she at last

"Are you trying to change the subject?" he asked. 

"It isn't that." She managed to answer. 

"Then why don't you allow me to kiss you?" he continued.

"We can't. ...Let us have something at the bar " she said in a breathless voice before she started walking away. 

As they passed in front of the elevators he pulled her, unintentionally pinning her back against the door, and stared at her for a moment, his face close to hers, as if the distance would lower the sound of their voices. "You are lovely," he said, moving my eyes over her face. 

Finally, she leaned back against the building and let him come closer. He leaned forward and moved her arms down to her side, and when she stood there, unresisting, he kissed her, gently pressing her against the wall. "Don't," she said, but not moving away, letting him kiss her again. 

"Why not?" he said, as he moved towards her neck. 

"No good will come of it," she said, a catchphrase to ward off a spell. 

"I don't care," came the reply

"No." saying that she opened her mouth, kissing him back, her arms now behind him, pulling him closer. 

But he wasn't listening; the words were a kind of chant, just a rhythm. Instead, he kissed her harder, pulling her body next to his so that she could feel him. He could feel her own excitement as she twisted against him. He touched her hair as he stroked her, and shivering, she moved her face into his hand, bending her neck, calmer. 

"Let us go to my room," he said in her ears. 

They entered the elevators and headed straight to his room. Closing the door behind us, he stood behind her and kissed her hair running his palm on her arm. She turned around and placed her hand on his cheek. "You are not fair," she said, drawing him closer. "There is nothing fair about you," she kissed him. "You are dangerous," she said, kissing him again, lightly, as if she was drawing a breath between the words, "..and you are tempting." 

"Tell me your name, " he asked, kissing her back. He kissed her hard then, pinning her against the door, his hands behind her, drawing her closer. He could feel the heat of her skin through the silk, as his hand moved down her back, pulling her towards him so that their bodies got together. 

"Come to bed" he whispered. 

"No," she was gulping air "Not there!" 

He none the less pulled her towards the bed. Holding her waist he pushed her on the bed. She retaliated, perhaps did not. "You won't give up. Won't you?" she asked in between those kisses and breaths. 

"Sshhhh!!!" he said and  switched of the lights. 

What had to happen...happened!!! Intensely, Lovingly and above all Passionately.

They lay quietly for a while. She turned on her side to face him. She held the side of his head, looking at him. "Thank you," she said, her fingers tracing the shape of his ear. 

They would have gone on like this, but were distracted by the voices in the corridor. He held her arm as she prepared to leave. "I don't even know your name. You keep not telling it to me, remember?" 

"Kiran" she whispered just before she was gone. 

"Kiran!!" he whispered as he closed his eyes, still lying on the bed, basked in a wonderful feeling. Suddenly he thought of his friend waiting for him at the bar. Hurriedly he rose and got ready. A moment later he was in the lobby and spotted his friend.

"I hope I did not keep you waiting too long," he greeted his friend.

"Actually I was early," he said. "I left my wife here and went looking for you at the airport." 

"Your wife?" he asked. 

"Yes, here she is. Let me introduce you to her," he said. 

He turned around to stare into the eyes of a lovely woman dressed in red.

"Meet my wife...Kiran!"


  1. What a lovely piece of writing Zubin....Keep writing this beautifully!

  2. awesome. what an ending. another gem of an article. keep it up bro.....

  3. Didnt expect this mature content written by u.. But I am amazed by ur versatile writing.. Beautiful👌🏻twist at the end

  4. It's time you started writing a bestseller

  5. The writing is good. But the the theme? This story kinda glamourizes adultery. Or am I missing something here?


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