Let's Die !!!

Hey Guys, Welcome to the Blog Page once again. As they say, Death is the only Truth of Life. Let's Die albeit before making our lives memorable. 
Time flies.  Life is what you make of it.  Everyday is a day of opportunity.
Think it. Seek it. Find it. Live it.

  1. Do something everyday that excites you.
  2. Read.
  3. Travel somewhere you’ve never been with someone you’ll never forget.
  4. Settle on a reasonable long-term goal and do 3 things everyday that bring you closer to your goal.
  5. AVOID TV.
  6. Talk to perfect strangers.  Make new friends.
  7. Help others when you’re able.
  8. Get in Shape.  Walk or jog a mile every morning.
  9. Learn !! 
  10. Be aware of your surroundings.  Take notice of the simple joys life has to offer.
  11. Be creative.  Build something from the ground up, no matter how small.
  12. Crack a Lame Joke.
  13. Spend a few quiet minutes alone each day… And do not think.
  14. Surround yourself with positive people who share goals similar to your own.
  15. Watch the sunrise at least once a week.
  16. Watch the sunset at least once a week.
  17. Express your creativity in art, photography, music, film, etc.
  18. Try something completely new every chance you get.
  19. Listen to Music and Sing out Loud.
  20. Tend a small garden and eat your own produce.
  21. Pull the trigger on doing something you’ve been thinking about for a long time, but haven’t yet had the guts to do.
  22. Socialize, socialize, and socialize!
  23. Visit friends and family you haven’t seen in years.
  24. Stop tip-toeing around like a little pipsqueak.  Own your ideas.  Follow them through to fruition.
  25. Throw a quarterly blowout party at your place.  Invite all your favorite people and let them bring someone along.
  26. Spend more time outdoors entwined in Mother Nature.
  27. If you hate your job, find a new one.  Life is short.  Don’t be scared to bounce around until you find a job you love.
  28. Get into the habit of realizing that it is never too late.
  29. Stop being so serious.  Lighten up.  Laugh.
  30. Explore the world around you.
  31. Rise earlier.  Take on the world when your mind is fresh.
  32. Be compassionate.
  33. Organize yourself and your living space.  It will save you precious time.
  34. Set 3 priorities each morning and accomplish them by nightfall.
  35. Focus on the positives.  Never dwell on the negatives.
  36. Be romantic.  Surprise her!!
  37. Challenge yourself.  Don’t take the easy road to mediocrity. 
  38. Shit happens.  Move beyond your mistakes immediately.
  39. Eat slower.  Enjoy your food!!
  40. Be slower.  Relax!!
  41. Leave work at work.
  42. Ask for help.  You’ll never get what you don’t ask for.
  43. Learn to say NO!!
  44. Play hard.  You only live once.  Live it up!
  45. Spend less than you make.
  46. Do one thing at a time… and do it well.
  47. Simplify... Simplify....SIMPLIFY!
  48. Be spontaneous.
  49. Always keep your promises.
  50. Sleep well.
  51. Read My Blogs!!

'Because, death is certain for the one who is born, and birth is certain for the ones who dies. Therefore, you should not lament over the inevitable" - Bhagvad Gita.

Love, Like, Live and Share!!


  1. Nice article of Bhagvat Gita. What is said is totally correct . One should try to follow the same Thanks and Good Night

  2. Looking forward to fickle emotions part 2....ne plans on the same?


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