"I just love the sound of these waves. They have a particular rhythm, a pattern, a melody. It is indeed Music to the ears."
said Farah smilingly. "I never knew you were a philosopher." joked Zakir. "You know Zakir, ever since I was a child, I would go to the beach with my parents on Sundays and spend hours and hours just listening to the sound of waves. While I lay in the pool of sand and build the mud castles around, my father would get me those chocobars and my mother would feed me the home made sandwiches. Those were the days!" she said while reminiscing her childhood days.

There was a brief moment of silence as the two enjoyed the breeze flowing across their faces and the smell of the sea coupled with the sight of setting sun overwhelming the moment. Zakir and Farah were married to each other since 15 years and coming to the beach had been a part of their routine. Farah, being a writer had always loved the calmness, perhaps the inner one, to think and write her articles. Zakir, on the other hand had no such love for the beach. 

"You know Farah?" he said while munching on the peanuts bought from the seaside vendor. "I have never quite enjoyed coming to the beach. The Sunsets, the waves, the sands have never fascinated me. It was just you and your love of it that made me fall in love with it" Zakir continued. Farah, well she just smiled. "Well I still wonder what makes you so happy here?" he quipped.

"These Waves know no bound Zakir. They nibble at our feet and flow! They flow across the globe with no boundaries, no languages, no barriers, no limits, no forms...just flow like a Human Mind. The waves have their own high tides and low tides, just as our Moods. And it is these waves who bid the final goodbye to the setting sun by reflecting the last rays across its wide spectrum of mass for everyone to see, reflect and admire the beauty that Mother earth has, something that we humans need to ponder upon." she sighed while sipping on the coconut water.

Zakir just stared at her with a smile. "Get up. Lets walk for a while." he said and pulled her up. The couple started walking with the waves just about managing to touch their feet. With their hands held and sandals in another, the duo strolled across the breadth of the shoreline.
"We should make a move now. It is getting darker now." said Farah. "Yes, we should." he replied. The duo started retreating from the beach with the sandals still in their hands. "Let me confess Farah. I might not be able to connect with the Waves like you do but coming to the beach with you and see you smile is a blessing. And I love you for that." he said while holding her hand. 

"You know what? You may have lost your eyesight, but your Vision is Unmatched." saying that he kissed her on the forehead.

Farah, well she had a smile on her face and twinkle in her eyes....albeit her blank eyes!!!

The Blog Series titled 'Fickle Emotions' continues!!

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