Let's Talk - Mental Health || FICKLE EMOTIONS

"You know dude. I feel my mind is my best friend and my worst enemy too at the same time.  I wish I wasn't an Insomniac. I wish ..." he paused. "I wish I had taken better decisions in my life. I tried to make everybody around me happy. In fact I went out of my way to make them feel good, even though I suffered while doing that.  In hindsight I shouldn't have done that. All that pain, all that suffering and what did I get....Neglect, Back bitching and ....." Karan paused again. "The only thing that I tried genuinely was to make people smile, to make them forget all their worries and laugh...laugh at my expense. I would keep a tab on their wellness, their health, their worries and did all my best to be there, with them, for them. And here I am!" he paused again, wiping his tears.

"Relax Karan. You are overthinking. You know you have your friends who love you, adore you. Also you are blessed to have such a wonderful family. Think about your Mother. You are the reason why she breathes. Your father is so, so proud of what you have achieved in life and he just loves to boast about you, given any chance. Your sisters, think of them. You are their hero, their guardian and perhaps a father figure. We all love you dude and you know that." Anurag said.

"They do, especially my Mother. But then I feel I have let them down somewhere. I haven't been able to live up to their expectations or I was not good enough? Don't know but somehow my entire journey has been a complete failure... And I can't bear a second of it now!" he shouted. "All my struggles, all the achievements, all ..." he paused while weeping and continued". "....all have been futile. I just don't want to live anymore."

"Hello!! Karan!!! Are you there? Karan?" screamed Anurag from the other end of the phone. There was no response. "I know you are there Karan and I know you can hear me. You know you have not let anyone down, you know all your friends love you for all the efforts you have taken for them, for always being there for them, for lending your help to them, for just being you. Your efforts and your journey have been absolutely fantastic and the fact that it is your journey makes it ever so beautiful, not only for you, but all of your family and friends, who love you, look up to you and perhaps expect much more from you, not because they are selfish, but because you are worth it. And you know dude, it is going to be a sham if you are to quit today. But hey, it is your call, your decision and your life. We all have to realize that what you did with us was nothing but a joke, a joke about our feelings, about our bond, about our conversations, about our dreams, about every single moment we shared!!! But hey, that ain’t my Karan. That is absolutely not my bro!" he said while in tears. He could faintly hear Karan weeping.

"Come on bro! Talk to me. Your silence isn't helping." Anurag continued. "Yeah." replied Karan in a very heavy tone. "I think I should sleep now. I will take my pills and doze off Anurag." he continued. "What pills? You are not taking any pills Karan." Anurag replied in an assertive tone. 

And suddenly rang door the bell of Karan's house. Karan opened the door hesitantly and there he was.  "You don't need any Pills Idiot. What you need is this!!" saying that he hugged Karan. He held his hand and  took him to the drawing room and made him sit on the sofa. Karan was visibly surprised. "You know Karan? What you are going through is nothing but a disease, which is quite normal, curable and extremely common. Acknowledging the disease is the first step to its treatment and you did that today!! Your parents will be here tomorrow and will be there with you till you get rid of the illness. And guess what bro, even I am going to be here till then. Let the party begin!" Anurag said in a joyous tone." 

"Thank you Anurag. Thank you for ......" saying that Karan burst into tears. 

"Do not mention it buddy. I would rather be with you now than Never. I would rather talk to you in person and tell you how good a soul you are than posting it on social media. I would rather relish spending time with you now than repenting not doing it." Anurag replied with a smile on his face and a relief in his heart.

The Blog series titled ' Fickle Emotions' continues.

P.S. - It is not just the Physical health, Mental health Matters too !! 
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about!! Be kind.


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