Let's Talk - Mental Health || FICKLE EMOTIONS

"You know dude. I feel my mind is my best friend and my worst enemy too at the same time. I wish I wasn't an Insomniac. I wish ..." he paused. "I wish I had taken better decisions in my life. I tried to make everybody around me happy. In fact I went out of my way to make them feel good, even though I suffered while doing that. In hindsight I shouldn't have done that. All that pain, all that suffering and what did I get....Neglect, Back bitching and ....." Karan paused again. "The only thing that I tried genuinely was to make people smile, to make them forget all their worries and laugh...laugh at my expense. I would keep a tab on their wellness, their health, their worries and did all my best to be there, with them, for them. And here I am!" he paused again, wiping his tears. "Relax Karan. You are overthinking. You know you have your friends who love you, adore you. Also you are blessed to have such a wonderful family. Think about your M...