A Love Unsaid...A Love Undone || FICKLE EMOTIONS

I am not sure, to call it an attraction or something else.

I am not sure whether to say it or not.

But I am sure, what I feel for you.

When we look at each other, there is always the spark.

When we talk to each other, the words go crazy.

When we are miles apart, but still keep tabs on each other

We both know, we want each other. But we can’t have each other.

Not sure how to tackle this, whether to kill this or live this.

You tell me. Because I am not sure with my heart or my brain. 

But I don't wan't this to be Undone or Unsaid!

Supriya wrote this while sitting at the cafe table. She was waiting for Rohan. They were going to meet after almost two years and the excitement and the nervousness of seeing each other in person was at its peak. It had been couple of hours now and Rohan hadn't arrived yet. "Should I call him or just wait? Well... I guess I will wait for sometime." she said to herself while penning down her emotions. 

3 years Ago

She was an ambitious career woman. She was both a kick-ass professional and a charismatic leader. She was beautiful, fun, honest and all things Rohan wanted... When they first met, he didn't realize it though. She was a regular techie colleague for him. But gradually as he got to know her, she was all he could see. They both become very tight friends. They shared a good chemistry. They both were married and settled in their respective lives. They used to share many things starting from love lives, their ambitions, their fears and a lot... It was going well. Having a friend like that was a blessing in the dull corporate life!

But things changed pretty soon. Their daily rants about their lives, their nonsense banter, lame jokes became something. Something which made their hearts beat faster... Something which was a lot more than friendship…Something which they both realized, but none spoke about. It was time to hold oneself back.
And that is what they did. The two started keeping a distance from each other. Their daily tea treats reduced to weekly to monthly. Their encounters became awkward. But seeing each other daily wasn't making it any easier.

One fine day, Rohan declared that he was moving to another city. Was it a drastic measure or a mistake? Nobody knew, but it seemed logical at that time. Supriya wasn’t happy about Rohan's decision, but she did not stop him. She knew it was ought to happen. They bid a teary farewell to each other as friends do. They parted ... or did they?

So Rohan was gone.  Supriya used to miss him but she knew the very reason behind his decision. She could not stop thinking about him. But then, she was happy, thinking he was happy somewhere.

"Hi Supriya. Can we meet for a cup of coffee?" said Rohan. A phone call after 6 months....6 Long Months. They met, they talked, they laughed, they cherished the good old times. "I guess I will leave now." Supriya said while looking at her watch. Rohan looked at her, she stared back. There was a longing, helplessness, perhaps a few unanswered questions in their eyes. She smiled at him. He hugged her awkwardly. Rohan wanted her to say something.. But she did not and left.
It had been two years since. Both had been busy with their respective lives and careers in different cities. But there was that Pull. The thought of each other's existence and the fact that both knew what they felt for each other had been a constant throughout. They missed each other, they missed being themselves. And while all that was happening, they never talked to each other. They were in love with each other, but they couldn’t be with each other. They never dared to express that love, They were ...in a mess of tangled feelings.

The question was… How could you be in love with someone when you already have someone to love?

"Hi, Hope you are doing well. Was just going through a few old messages and ..." read Rohan's message. "I am fine." she replied with a smile, knowing that feeling...a feeling of relief, happiness, hope, love and peace. "I am going to be in Mumbai this weekend. Can we meet?" came Rohan's reply. "7 PM at the same place" she replied immediately.

The present day
As luck would have had it, Rohan's flight was delayed by a couple of hours. He reached the cafe and looked around for Supriya. "Ahh! She must have left." he said to himself in utter disgust. A few phone calls to her went unanswered. "Hey, I am sorry for being late. I am at the Cafe. Where are you?" he texted. Now all he could do was wait.

Almost an Hour and Couple of Drinks later, he made a final call to her. Yet again to be unanswered. His disgust on himself for being late had by now shifted to being frustrated with Supriya's silence. "All the way from Delhi only to meet her and this is what I get in return!!" he smirked at the himself while paying the Bill.
"Are you Rohan Sharma?" came a voice from behind. It was the head Waiter with an envelope in his hand.

"Yes, why?" asked a surprised Rohan.

"This is for you. A lady was sitting here for quite sometime, perhaps waiting for someone .She asked me to hand over this to you." saying that he gave the envelope to Rohan.

"I must say Sir, She knows you pretty well. You are exactly how she described you!" said the waiter.

Rohan smiled while opening the envelope to find a letter from Supriya.

He read it. He read it again and again. There was a commotion within, a rush of memories and an outflow of emotions. He stood still for a while staring at the letter. And then, a tear rolled out. 

He looked for her, he looked everywhere but she wasn’t there. He picked up his phone and started texting her frantically.

"Supriya. Just read your letter and...... typing.... typing...typing" read the text bubble.

Supriya...Well She was waiting!

The entire typing was going to take a while...

After all...It was their love unsaid… It was their love undone! 

The Blog series titled 'Fickle Emotions' continues.

Love, Like and Share. 


  1. "रूह" से जुड़े "रिश्तों" पर
    "फरिश्तों" के "पहरे" होते है..

    "कोशिश" कर लो "तोड़ने" की
    ये और भी "गहरें" होते हैं........

    स्नेह प्रातःअभिनंदन


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