What's in a Name || FICKLE EMOTIONS

"May I Come in Sir?" Asked Ajay in a nervous tone. "Come in" came a stern reply from his Boss." Good Morning Sir. I am Ajay Singh, the new joinee. I have been asked to report to you by the HR" Ajay said while trying to control his anxiety.

"Is it? Ok. Which was your last organisation?" The boss asked. "No sir. I am a Campus Recruit." Said Ajay. " Yet another Fresher!!! What is the HR's problem!!? Why do all the Freshers have to come into my team??" Said the boss seemingly irritated.

Ajay Singh was a MBA pass out and had got a job in a pharma company via campus placement. He was a bright and hardworking student and had always wanted to make it big on his own. He was excited to be selected as a Sales Manager in Caplox as it was one of the giants in the pharma industry.

"Come, sit." The boss said trying to not sound rude to the boy. "What do you know about the pharma industry?" He asked. "Well sir, nothing much but I know I am a quick learner and will start proving my worth soon" Ajay said .
"Yeah!!! Till the time you start proving your worth, The Chairman will kick me out" he said again in an irate tone. "Do you even know how cruel is this sales profile? Targets, pressure, con calls, MIS..Dude you have no idea." The boss continued to vent out his frustration.

"Sir, I am just starting my career and I am willing to go through all this. In fact I am keen to undergo this cycle asap and come out as a winner" Ajay said in a confident tone.

"You know....Sorry what's your name?" The boss asked while trying to search for his name in his mail box. "Ajay Singh" came the reply. "Dear Ajay, everybody says the same thing on their first day and this passion fizzles out in just a month's time. I have been here for 11 years and have witnessed a lot of such dedication get converted into delegation and eventually into relegation." He continued. "Relegation?" Asked a puzzled Ajay. "Wait until you meet our Managing Director. His only passion in life is Money. And he would not even care for your so called passion" he said.

"But sir. I know what I have to do and I will eventually succeed.  Money of course matters but I am here to create a name for myself" said Ajay with a smile.

"Name!!! Ha..there are more than 2500 employees in this company and more than 2.5 million in the pharma industry. I have given my 11 years to this company and nobody knows my name, except for couple of office boys and a bunch of non relevant colleagues!! Son, relax and have fun. Work for 8 hours everyday and be happy when the salary gets credited. Name...hahaha" the boss said now smiling perhaps at Ajay's ignorance.

"Perhaps, that is the reason why people can't create their name sir. If everyone is committed towards their salaries and not themselves, how are they going to grow? With all due respect sir, I will prove you wrong." Ajay said in a confident tone.

The boss was visibly shaken and a bit angry at this new recruit's Confidence. He still managed to be calm and said "It will be great if you do prove me wrong. Wish you all the best. You can go and sit at your cubicle. We will have a team meeting post lunch" he said while juggling between his files.

"Sure sir. Thank you" said Ajay and got up from his seat. "By the way, what is your name? I forgot. Oh..., I will anyway hear it from the world soon!!!" He said while winking at Ajay.

"It is Ajay Abhishek Singh. And thank you sir for your wishes." Saying that Ajay left the cabin.

"What!!!?Wait!!! Ajay...." the boss continued to call him while being shocked and standing still!!!

Abhishek Singh was the Managing Director of Caplox and Ajay was his Son. 

Dont know whether Ajay's Passion would help him create a Name for himself, but for now his Name did trigger some Emotions in his Boss!!!

Fickle, isn't it!!

The Blog Series Titled 'Fickle Emotions' continues.

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