"Please suggest a story to write. I am absolutely clueless now!" said a  desperate Zubin to his colleague Sid. "This fiction genre is just not my thing. I think I have used up all the ideas that I had and now I don't think there is anything left to write on" he continued.

Zubin had a Blog page and he used to write weekly blogs, mostly on current affairs, occasional poems and relationships with a sarcastic tone.

It had been almost 5 years and 80 odd blogs and he wanted to upscale his writing. He was pondering on a lot of ideas and finally decided to write a blog series. "But on what?" asked Sid. "I mean it is a great idea but what will the series be about. Also it has to keep your audience interested." he continued. "I guess I will write short stories on human relationships." came a reply from Zubin who by now had a few ideas in his mind."You mean fiction? Sounds too fickle to me" quipped Sid."Exactly..Fickle it is!!" smiled Zubin.

He started his new blog series titled 'Fickle Emotions' which was based on human relationships. He sought inspirations from the real life stories that he had seen or heard from people and friends around him.

Fiction was not really his genre but it wasn't fiction that he was writing. He was putting the real events into words, he was putting a part of his life into words. The series was an instant hit and the views on his blog page were ever increasing. He had planned to end the blog after 20 stories and here he was, writing his last blog.

"Why not write about your relationships or rather your fickle emotions?" asked Sid as Zubin was desperately running out of ideas. "What?? About me! Ahh..lemme think." He replied.
"Well there at least wont be any fiction involved." he thought as he decided to end the series with a blog on his life.

He had 4 days to finish and publish the blog and he well started to write. "Hello!!! At least talk to me. I don't deserve this treatment." said Zubin....he had just typed this. And then he stopped.
The entire event started playing live in front of him and he went back in time. He was writing about his life and his life came back around.

"Well Zubin just stood there all drenched in rain. But his tears were clearly visible amidst the raindrops. Perhaps this was how it was meant to be!!" ended his last blog.
It was becoming extremely painful for him to write about himself. Every time he would dig deep into his own life, those events would turn live. Few memories that he had believed he had forgotten had become fresh. He cried,  he smiled, he cursed himself and at times "It wasn't my fault" was his thought while writing.

The blog was finally complete. After a few edits and rendering he was prepared to post it at 4 pm on Saturday. His audience knew that a whats-app message with a link to his blog would arrive at 4 every Saturday..and few did wait for it eagerly (Hope!!)

"Dude, its 5!! Where's the blog?" Came a whats-app message on Zubin's phone. Well there was no reply.

"I knew it always. This blog would never be published😎" came another whats app from Sid.

The blog series titled 'Fickle Emotions' ENDS here

Hey Guys,
It was a great experience while creating Fickle Emotions. Writing the stories did touch a few chords, hope the same has been with u.
Until next time,
Love, like and share

- Zubin😎


  1. Will be missing your fickle emotions. Bhai

  2. Hope there's a new series coming soon. It's not easy to write a painful experience that one has been through and it may invade the privacy of another, if involved too. So best talk about yourself and your joyful experiences. GOD BLESS


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