In a very sad tone he said "You know how hard I am trying, but these guys just won't allow me a holiday. Work, work and work is all I do." Hearing this, she hung up the phone. The distance was suffocating her. She knew deep down that Akshit was not doing all this intentionally, that even he is tied down. But her emotions were just overwhelming now. "I don't think long distance will work out", was Shreya's clear message to Akshit when he had told her about his Onsite Job in a different country.

But time had its own plans.And now the only thing that they both could do was just wait, wait and wait. Anyway, she hung up the phone and started crying for a long time. Meanwhile it was a 15 minute lunch break for Akshit and the entire time was spent talking to her. He did not eat anything and had to go back to work. He was about to start and suddenly got a beep on his phone. "Make an excuse of an upset stomach and come out. There's an emergency" read Shreya's message. Akshit got worried and making an excuse to his boss, he got out to call her.

"Your entire time was wasted in talking to me. You mustn't have eaten anything since morning. Please eat something", said Shreya, still sounding a bit upset, but also concerned. Hearing her loving voice and her concern, Akshit had tears in his eyes. "I can tell from your voice that even you have not eaten anything since morning. Lets eat together." Both of them ordered their meals and ate together on a Video Call. These small moments of love and care had become a routine for Akshit and Shreya, who were separated by distance for the past 2 years.

He would call her every night and ensure he stays on the phone till she is fast asleep. He could feel her breath and that is what made them feel connected.

Days passed by and suddenly Akshit received a mail from his Boss. "There is a project that we have taken up in India and the best employee for the month would be given the chance to handle that project" read the mail. Akshit was super excited, but then looking at his performances in the last few weeks, he knew that there was hardly any chance of him making it. Still, the urge of going to India and meeting his love made him grab the opportunity. He did not talk about it with Shreya as he did not want to give her any false hopes.

He genuinely worked hard and did get a sizable business for his company. It was Friday and his boss was about to announce the winner's name. His boss opened the scorecard and was shocked to see the winner's name. He took 10 long minutes to go through the numbers and finally announced, "The winner of the contest who will be in charge of the Indian Project is.....Sumit!"

Akshit was heartbroken. He had really worked hard this month and desperately wanted to go to India. His dreams were just shattered. Disappointed and surrendered, he turned back and started going towards his desk. "Hey Akshit, where are you going? Don't you want to start packing for India. Let me know if you need any help" said his boss. " What do you mean?" asked Akshit, astonished."Sumit had already applied for leave for personal reasons and he would not be able to travel. Since you stood a very close 2nd in the contest, it is you who will be going there." said his boss. Akshit was on cloud nine and literally started jumping in joy. He ran towards Sumit and gave him a tight hug. After all it was Sumit and his leaves that had given him a ticket to India.

So, it was time to prepare for India. Finally he was going to meet her after 2 long years. Shreya knew nothing about it and Akshit wanted to surprise her. It was time for his flight and in the meantime he used to talk to Shreya and understand what her routines were going to be. Shreya was to attend a wedding of their common friend next weekend, and this is where Akshit decided to give her the surprise. Akshit had bought a ring and had planned to propose to Shreya when they meet. Karan, the friend who was getting married had called Akshit to invite him and Akshit told him about his plans. "Anything for you Brother" said Karan in a joyous voice.

Finally the day arrived. Akshit landed in the afternoon and directly checked into a hotel. He had done his preparations till the evening and now it was time to leave. Akshit let his hotel and over there, Shreya had left her house. Akshit reached Karan's house and directly went to meet Karan in his room. Karan was excited and happy seeing Akshit after 2 long years and that too attending his wedding. Akshit congratulated him and left to come dancing along with the Baaraat to the venue.

Shreya meanwhile was waiting with her friends for the Baaraat to arrive, and it arrived soon. She and her friends also joined the dancing and suddenly Shreya got picked up from behind. She was shocked rather than surprised to see Akshit holding her in his arms. For a moment, she was just blank, not able to believe her eyes. "Idiot, why didn't you tell me!!!!" she asked in sheer joy. They both hugged and danced together as if there was no tomorrow.

It was almost midnight when the wedding wound up and Akshit took Shreya to the parking lot. Finally it was that time when Akshit would propose to Shreya and formalize their 8 year old relationship. They both knew they were going to get married to each other one day and had made a lot of plans as to where they will settle down and how will they work out their careers and family life going ahead. He had already set up a table there with the help of Karan. It was a cold Delhi night and there was no one else there except them. "Hey Shreya, I have to tell you something. It has been 8 years since we both are together, during sadness and happiness, during our failures and successes, and you know what you mean to me. I just want to confess something today" said Akshit looking into Shreya's eyes and sliding his hand in his pocket to get the ring.

"Even I want to tell you something Akshit. You know how I feel for you and you are a very very special person. I love you a lot" was Shreya's reply who was now really really emotional. There was a moment of silence as they both looked into each other's eyes and reminiscing all those 8 years of being together, separated by time and still madly in love with each other. Akshit was about to take out the ring from his pocket and get down on his knees when Shreya said "Akshit, I slept with Rohit!!! I am really really sorry Akshit. It was my office party and I was really really missing you a lot. I started drinking and then just did not realize what was happening around me. Rohit came home to drop me and we just made out" said Shreya, holding Akshit's hands and burst out in tears. Akshit just could not believe his ears. For him, the entire world had crashed down. There was this girl standing in front of him, the girl with whom he wanted to spend the rest of his life, the girl who meant everything for him, the girl whom he trusted more than himself and he had never ever thought of her doing such a thing. He just closed his eyes and couple of tears rolled down.

There was a moment of silence, Shreya was crying while apologizing and Akshit just stood staring at her. "You know Shreya, I had always trusted you." he said in a very emotional tone. Wiping her tears, he slid the ring into Shreya's hands  "And I love you too", he turned around and started walking. Shreya felt the ring in her hand and burst out in tears again. Akshit... well he just continued walking back, with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face.

In continuation to our Blog Series titled 'Fickled Emotions'.

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