I Paused

Hey Guys!! Welcome to the Blogpage once again.
I understand that the frequency of the blogs have reduced to a great extent, alas the time is running away too fast and the Mind is choked up with loads of stuff!!

With the Pause that this Blogpage has had recently, thought of penning down a few lines on 'WHEN I PAUSED'.

After a Busy Day with the Head aching and the Back paining;
I tried to sleep and certain thoughts flashed throughout that Night;
I Paused!!

Going through a certain old photo album with Friends around me happy and cheerful;
Went into the flashback and then saw Our Last chats way back;
I Paused!!

On my way back in the car stuck in traffic;
Saw a bunch of college kids having a time of their lives with no regrets and no deadlines;
I Paused!!

A colleague of mine aged just 23 lost her life in an accident;
Looked at my excel sheets and then her pic;
I Paused!!

Passed by my School after ages and the Candy wala uncle was no longer there;
Realised it were not his candies, but Him that made us smile throughout; He was absent;
I Paused!!

Went to my old Building and knew none of my friends stay there anymore;
But whilst roaming around saw a tree planted by me as a plant grow strong tall but aloof;
A representative of me perhaps in that building...we stared at each other for a while;
I Paused!!

My Daugther just went into her Junior K.G and we had her books being covered and labeled;
The smell of the new books had a love reignited in me and a nostalgia that cant be bought with any sort of an amount; she was excited while;
I Paused!!

A sudden ring on my cell from an unknown number; the 1st hello ringed an alarm; talking to a long lost friend after 14 years; the call went on for almost an hour; was smiling for no reason after we hung up; the world around was doing their chores;
I Paused!!!

Attended the wedding of a very old Colleague; went there as a boss; looking at his happiness and that twinkle in his eyes just by my presence; MIS can wait; these emotions are priceless;
He was on the stage all happy that I made it; I realised the bond between us and the things said to him for the MIS; His Smile;
Made me Pause!!

Had a small school reunion after ages with kids and spouses included; while we met after ages, the discussions were all about parenting; the spouses were happy that all are worried bunch of parents; i missed our Dumb Charades and the songs and the funny nonsense talks; they left;
I Paused!!

Looked into the Mirror today Morning and realised that the White in the Hair is pretty Evident; while the white in the hair was okay; the black below the eyes seem to overshadow them; the confusion on what the stress is affecting more made me realise that there is stress; that too on a Sunday;
I Paused!!

Then realised that Pausing wont help; life and I will need to move on; A New Day; A new Struggle and an opportunity for Continuation; with a new zeal here i am posting another Blog;
I Paused to Not Pause this Often!!!

A small note on what I went through recently.
Sometimes a Pause is good to think, settle, absorb and evolve!!!

Love, Like and Share if u connect.
Until the next Blog sans any Pause;


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