Birthday Boy....The Finale!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Aarav, who has now suddenly started to hate the notifications on his phone slides his hands in his pocket to much of a relief. The call is from his cousin Jay. "किधर है बे " comes a loud noise from the other end and Aarav responds with " एक मिनट में आया।" Aarav and his wife, who still is with her teary eyes take a deep breath, compose themselves and head to the family area.
Aarav makes himself seated at his place, wherein his wife heads to the kitchen to bring in the desserts. "क्या हुआ आरव बेटा?" Comes in a direct question from Mrs. Shah who has been observing the events with a keen eye and somewhat has sensed that all is not well with her son.
Aarav shares an excellent rapport with his mother and there ain't anything about his life that is alien to Mrs. Shah. He just passes on to his mother and the rests his case. Mrs. Shah, who has been a witness to the current drama, realises what has just transpired and gives a comforting look to her son. Aarav's wife in the Meantime gets in the ice cream and starts serving to the guests.
The desserts are slurped in by visibly sleepy guests who start retiring one by one by bidding good byes and wishing Aarav a very happy birthday. Jay, being the last person to leave the house, gives a warm hug to his brother uttering, " और, उसने wish किया क्या?" And Aarav just looked at him with utter disgust but keeping his composure stating "चल भाई, कल मिलते है। "
So here we are, with all the guests now gone, it is now left to Shah Family alone. Mr. Shah, who is now extremely drunk calls on his son, "happy birthday my boy. "Have fun and बहुत आगे बढो।" are his blessings to Aarav who hugs his father and he gets a kiss on his forehead. With almost 5 in the morning, the Shah family is eager to retire in their bedrooms to get a quick nap. Aarav gets a hug from his Mother, who aware of what bad happened in last few hours whispers, "तू फिकर मत कर और सोजा। मैं कल बात करलुंगी। "
Aarav hugs her and with a bit of a light heart goes back into his bedroom. His wife, who is now emotionally drained does prefer not to bring out the issue again. She hugs Aarav and makes her sit on the bed. There is a small box and a huge card that she has bought for him as a Gift. Aarav opens it and lives what has been gifted to him. A Watch with a leather belt that Aarav always wanted, his eyes gleaming on it and he looks happy. The card, which reads
" to the person who makes me smile, who cares for me, who is my biggest support, pillar and strength, wish you and us many many many more years of a healthy loving life. Happy Birthday Aaru!!"
A message that brings in lot of soothing to Aarav after what has just happened. He is a Tad overwhelmed now but maintains his composure. He hugs his wife and thanks him for the lovely gifts. He plants a kiss on the forehead of his son, who is now fast asleep. With his wife seemingly exhausted, Aarav makes her sleep and then settles back into his balcony.

So here is Aarav back onto his arm chair and wondering what had just happened. Loads of Emotions, love, Chaos and a Past, his Birthday has just started to be Eventful.It is almost 6 in the morning and here again is Aarav!! Staring at the Morning Traffic of Mumbai amidst the Smog and wondering what just happened. He is extremely Exhausted and Tired and with the events that had unfolded is about to doze off.
And his phone rings again,

 albeit this time it is his Alarm!!!!

A first hand attempt on Fiction. An idea, a concept and a literature...thank you all for being a part of Aarav's Birthday Night.
Do share your feedback whether we should have more of this here or not. And yes, Happy Birthday Aarav!!!! Also, if you are worried about the anonymous person who had sent those messages, WELL AARAV'S BIRTHDAY HAS JUST BEGUN!!! and share as always!!


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