Don't Give Up

Hey Guys! Welcome to the Blogpage Again.
As the title suggests, Life in today's environment poses loads of challenges, equations and times which lead to US doubting our own Self.
A small write up on why life ain't that black as we make it out to be...

When the times as tough...don't give up.
When the waves are rough...don't give up.
When the mind is cluttered...don't give up.
When the situation is messed up...don't give up.
When nothing is working out as planned...don't give up.

When work seems burden...don't give up.
When confidence seems bleak...don't give up.
When equations turn sour...don't give up.
When trust breaks...don't give up.
When people don't stand up...dont give up.
When opportunities seem bleak...don't give up.
When things are beyond control...don't give up.
When trust is broken...don't give up.
When you are unsure...don't give up.
When life throws lemons...don't give up.
When Hard work doesn't pay off...don't give up.
When relationships go sour...don't give up.
When you feel like giving up...don't give up!!!!!!

Coz everything above happened to you. Now it is your turn to Make Things happen!!
One Life...Go all out and live the life that you have always wanted!!
Just don't give up on YOURSELF!!!


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