Birthday Boy....Part 2.

You can read Birthday Boy...Part 1 here

So here are Aarav and Jay in the Hall with the Males of the Family occupying a corner full off Drinks and the females engaged in their own Chats. As soon as they enter the room, "Here comes the Man!! Sit, let's have a drink My Boy" comes a loud voice of none other than his Father.

A Semi Retired Advocate, Senior Shah is a Self made man with a lot of Courage and a tinge of Arrogance. He has always been proud of his own achievements and the way he has lived his life.

Aarav being his only child, was always been expected to fulfil everything that the Senior could not achieve resulting Aarav's Childhood being shadowed with courses, sports, extra curriculum, discipline, career decisions and many other discussions which for Aarav were seemingly confusing and utterly frustrating.

He inspite of these chaotic situations chose to not follow his father's lineage of being a Lawyer and got into Marketing. A Sin for which he is still been bullied by the Lawyer of the House, albeit at Times. The solution to this awkwardness has often been avoidance.

So here we are, Aarav with his Father around is trying to be in the moment and have some fun. The discussions over liqour ranged from cricket to politics to current affairs to jokes and everything seems to be in the moment.

Aarav for once is comfortable and seems to enjoy the madness and chaos surrounding him,until the topic somehow swirls into the direction of Career and Money. Visibly drunk Senior Shah suddenly expresses his dissatisfaction towards Aarav's decision of not following his legacy and even calling him a Failure and a Disappointment. " क्या नहीं किया इसको बडा आदमी बनाने के लिये " comes out a loud drunken chord from him followed by "  मरते दम तक अब इसको सम्भल्ना पडेगा "

Something that Aarav, who himself is sort of high decides to not take it lying down. "अगर इतनी ही तकलीफ है तोह मैं चला जाता हूं आपका घर छोडकर, मुझे आपकी कोई भी मेहरबानी नहीं चाहिये" comes a scathing reply by Aarav who is now not in his elements and also on the verge of a Showdown. An argument breaks up between the Father and Son duo which is more of a Ego clash and the Decibels start creating vulnerability amongst the rest Present.

The situation leads Kusum to stand up and utter the ever golden words," अर्रे बस करो, आज के दिन तोह एक दुसरे को छोड़ो ", Kusum is Aarav's Mother and his biggest Confidante.  Things seemingly have calmed down with snacks and dinner being followed.

Aarav, still a tad upset is trying to get back into the mood till he gets a WhatsApp message on his phone. A message that has made him seemingly uncomfortable and by the looks on his face, also Surprised.

The Message read; 'Can I Call?'

To be Continued...


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