Why Not

Hey Guys. Welcome to the Blogpage Again. Thank you for your wonderful response to my last blog on Fathers Day. Appreciate!!
Life has its own ways of making us alter ourselves to its own terms. A small question to ourselves on certain basics that we might want to answer to have a better than today breath.
1. Why Not learn to say a NO.
2. Why Not love a bit More.
3. Why Not worry a bit Less.
4. Why Not Smile a bit More.
5. Why Not Be Yourself.
6. Why Not Kiss our Mother Often.
7. Why Not not worry about the MIS.
8. Why Not read Newspapers and ignore Social Media.
9. Why Not cut down people rather than having to please them.
10. Why Not have a habit and PURSUE THE SAME.
11. Why Not Say it when you want to SAY IT.
12. Why Not Wander.
13. Why Not make an error when you genuinely made one.
14. Why Not NOT Socialise.
15. Why Not Travel.

16. Why Not have a Hot coffee at 2 in the night even if u have office the next day.
17. Why Not Be Silly even if you want to be projected as Sensible.
18. Why Not Be once answerable.
19. Why Not for once worry about the price tag whilst buying what you craved for.
20. Why Not Be a Bathroom Singer...YET Again.
21. Why Not have a small plant at your home where you can breath.
22. Why Not eat at a Udipi and also Tag the same.
23. Why Not play cricket with the younger chaps with the same price and the same Zeal.
24. Why Not spend on being Pampered.
25. Why Not Argue for once even when you know you ain't have any logic.
26. Why Not demand....Aise Hi!!
27. Why Not call an old buddy just coz you have a need of knowing how awesome you were earlier.
28. Why Not kid around with your Dad.
29. Why Not Scream for once in Ecstacy.
30. Why Not stare at yourself in the mirror and say...I AM HERE TO CREATE A LEGACY!!
31. Why Not accept our Weakness.
32. Why Not Identify our strengths.
Why Not and What....Phew....A life with loads of Why Nots is still better than a life with a life with loads of What Ifs.
A small anecdote and a sample space of the questions which I feel need to be answered and inteospected.
Why Not love...like and share this one!!!


  1. Why not play safe?
    Why not be what we want to be?
    Why not see a good future then a bad past?
    Why not appologize to people whom we did wrong ?
    Why not ask a ? To all who did wrong?
    Why why why why ?

  2. Good one, even if we answer some of these honestly, then we would be going down an altogether different path....


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