My 3 Year Old Teacher !!

Hey Guys, Welcome to my Blog page again.
My Daughter is about to turn 3 next week and it is most appropriate to pen down something that she or rather kids do teach us in the most simplest of ways. Kids have their own world, logic, fun, emotions and above all, they are brutally honest.

A small write up on what our kids teach us daily in the most simplest of ways –

Imagination – Kids can have hours of fun with nothing more than a Doll and their Imagination.  They harness their imagination to discover new things about both themselves and the world around them. If we lose sight of our imagination, we will never see our dreams through to Fulfillment.

Spontaneous – For better or worse, kids do not plan a thing they do.  They live spontaneously, taking in every uncertain moment for all it’s worth.  It would be foolish to say that proper time management and planning is unnecessary in adulthood.  However, it would also be foolish to ignore all the opportunities that spontaneously present themselves throughout our lifetime.

Take A Chance – Kids are never concerned with the lack of experience.  If they have never done something before, they are eager to test the waters.  If they fail, they brush themselves off and take another stab at it until they get it right. Take a Chance!!

Open Mind – A child’s mind is wide open to all the world has to offer.  Kids make most of their judgments strictly based on 1st Hand experiences.  As adults, we become creatures of habit, comfort and a Closed Mind. In doing so, we do miss out on lot of stuff that life has to offer !!

Mistakes– Kids are not afraid of making any Mistakes.  Instead, they make a mistake, chuckle and have that learning forever registered. Lets make Mistakes so as to be able to Learn !!

Imitation – Kids observe the people around them with enthusiasm.  They typically mimic the actions that work and ignore the ones that don’t. Imitation just does not mean Copying, rather it helps us develop something that we can by just Imitating.

Play – Playing comes naturally to kids because play time is fun time, and kids love to have fun.  As we get older we forget how great it feels to let loose and play around. 

Express – Kids wear their feelings all over their face.  You never have to guess as to whether they are happy, sad, angry or indifferent.  You know the answer immediately just by looking at them. Openly expressing your feelings makes communication Easier and life Simpler!!!

Enthusiasm – Kids hit the ground running every morning with sheer enthusiasm.  They don’t resist the idea of starting a new day.  They are excited to be alive and absolutely pumped-up for the new experiences that lie ahead.  No day will ever be exactly like today.  Don’t waste it.

Questions – Why…?  How…?  What…? And what Not!!! Phew !!!!! When kids are not involved in an activity, they are asking an endless series of questions.  Not every question will get an answer, but many will and they learn. You’ll never get an answer to a question you never ask.

Honest– Kids are brutally honest. They call every shot just like they see it, the moment it happens.  People will listen to you if they trust that you are speaking honestly.

Life’s Simple Pleasures –Put a kid in a puddle and watch him cheerfully splash around.  Give a kid permission to chase the cat around the house for a couple minutes, the giggles will be contagious.  Or just tickle a kid and love his laughter. It should serve as a reminder that some of the best things in life are FREE!!

Kids live by their instincts openly and without hesitation.  They are enthusiastic about life, eager to learn, and curious about everything.
Even though kids still have a lot to learn, just observing my daughter over past 3 years has taught me a lot. They handle themselves differently than adults, and hence are more of love and loved, Something that we all so very much need in today’s times!!!

Like, Love and Share if you agree.

Until the next Blog, Time to play with my Sia!!!!!#Pappa ni Dikri !!!


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