You own Your DREAMS!!!

Hey All!! Welcome Back to My Blogpage and thank u again for your Mind blowing Affection and responses to my Write Ups!!!
The time since the last blog has been Tumultuous, Awkward and too a large extent Eye opening !! Have been toying with few Life altering ideas which leads me to write something that describes my Head State!!!!
Here is my view on MY DREAMS!!!

1.The only “yes” you need to follow your dreams is yours.You’ll regret it later in life, and if you’re delaying it, you’ll question yourself why didn’t you do it sooner.
2. Not following your dreams makes you feel unaccomplished.  Eventually, this will stop you from dreaming altogether.
3. It will attract some attention, even from the naysayers and haters. You will feel strong as you prove the naysayers wrong.  As THEY say.. “The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.”
4 People who follow their dreams are doers. Doers have more power to create, influence, and change their Lives… and eventually the World.
5. Life feels more memorable; hence you feel and become more memorable.
6. Following your dreams might take unexpected turns, but those are the exciting and memorable challenges of living your dreams.Those challenges will help you grow as they make you step out of your comfort zone.
7. Dreams make you take chances, but chances can bring more opportunities.Afraid of it? Good. Being afraid makes you feel more alive, so smash through that brick wall of fear.  Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

8. Your dreams and your actions define you.  Don’t let others define you with what they tell you to do and not to !!!!!!!
9. You will inspire others to follow their dreams, even if they know nothing about you.
10. Following your dreams makes you interesting.Who doesn’t love to challenge the status quo?
11. Accomplishing your dreams will eventually lead to even bigger dreams.
12. You feel you have something more to live for. Even if your dreams fail, you’ll feel proud you gave it your all to accomplish them.
13. Dreamers fail now and then, but they also learn more in life. You learn from failure.  So, dust yourself off and try it again.
14. It’s your life, live it under your terms!
A boring / non Sarcastic write up on what My current state of Mind is all about !!

Dream...Dream Big...with Open eyes and then let the World know the Execution Part !!!
As SRK would put it....Dream...Live...Smile.....kya Pata, KAL HO NA HO!!!
Love, Share and Comment if you Connect!!!
Cheers !!!


  1. Yes ...Very rightly said !! This inspires me too.... Thanks bro!!


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