An Open Letter from....The Middle Class!!

Hey Guys!! Welcome to my Blogpage again!!
As the title suggests, this blog is on the largest and the biggest race on the Globe today... THE INDIAN MIDDLE CLASS..With Jaitley's Budget just gone by, it was imperative for me to pen down my thoughts on the Human Race that wishes to Exist!!!
1. We stood with you when you imposed Notebandi, thinking that the Riches, the Hoarders and the corrupt will be brought to task. We supported you and fought for you standing in Long ATM queues(often returning disappointed) but argued and fought for your decision.
2. We were okay at paying the exuberant prices for Petrol even when the Global Crude prices were at its all time low,  assuring ourselves that the lesser we refuel, the lesser will be the pollution and hence Delhi(where you breath) will be know what I'm saying!!!
3. We welcomed GST with open arms not knowing it then....not knowing it now, but we embraced it with a belief that this will also be another step towards US moving in the right direction. Our bills were deffered, businesses suffered, you altered and eventually all of your deeds now seem layered!!
4. We loved your speeches, applauded them on OUR streets, praised you on social media and even shared them where not to be. Eventually only to realise that India now has 2 Bachchans...(1)Amitabh And (2)Bol!!!!
5. We are unfortunately not all Farmers!!! Not our fault. We were born Middle class with a dream to upscale our lives. WE eat what your Vote bank produces, WE buy what your Vote bank sells, OUR taxes offer your vote bank free loans....WE are still not THE VOTE BANK!!!! Jai Jawaan...Jai Kisaan now makes a lot more sense. Thank you Lal Bahadur Shastri!!
6. We made the largest jokes on Pappu...Dravid was the last known being that we even named Rahul!!! We sought and thought jokes even on his rare smart interviews...only to realise eventually a hand In deed might be a hand In need...Flowers do come with their wilting age!
7. We hailed your Bullet Trains(while still hanging in our Local Trains), loved your Smart Cities( while our city continues to deteriorate), Heard the Mann ki Baat Dil se( only to Miss the vintage Ameen Sayani).. and what we get in belief was belief!!!
8. We were shocked and stunned when you banned Beef, Beer, Padmavati and what not!! But we still tried to irrationally Rationalise some Logic behind the same....Just to realise that while the rest had been Intolerant, we had been Lame!!!
Well the Blog can go as long as your Maddison Square Garden / Davos speech was Sir!! But the fact of the Matter is, We, Middle Class just got fooled by your Marketing !!
You are turning out to be worse than the Muffler Man who fortunately has only a small portion of our Nation to Ruin!!! You are turning out to be an Anarchy in the Largest Democracy of the World!!!
For all your superb speeches to the hopes and the dreams since 2014, Dear Sir, your Chai just does not wake me up anymore!!!


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  2. Nicely written.Short and to the point.
    I don't know what was going on into Mr FM's mind.
    Pleasing middle class was the need of time and shockingly they failed in it.
    Eventhough I am a big BJP supporter , amendments like LTCG , MF dividend tax is beyond my financial sense.
    Not sure how they will do damage control now.
    Otherwise nightmare of Congress ruling in 2019 will be a sad reality.

  3. Yup absolutely.. chai doesn't wake us any more.. certainly for tea drinkers, it's not a stimulant anymore.. but the question is is there a coffee in making..
    Fantabulous article.. loved reading it

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