The KOHLI Syndrome

5th November is the date to savour...Birthday of India's latest Heartthrob...The Indian Cricket Team Captain and the current Best batsman in International Cricket....Cheekoo...ala Virat Kohli..

1.He smashes and smashes right on your face...
2. He is the Nation's current biggest Heartthrob and saviour....
3. He rumbles up centuries like a bulldozer!!! much for the new gen Sachin fans!!
4. Wears his heart on his sleeve like no one...aggression of a New India Personified!!!

5. Took over captaincy from THE MSD!!!! We never thought that would be so smooth!!
6. Not a finisher but a Match Maker!! Wins it on his own...with a score...with the brash Ness... with the stampede....A First for Indian Cricket!!
7. Leads from the Front...does it on his own...plays for hir Team...A corporate lesson in itself!!
8. A flying kiss to the lady in love...he knows how to mix his work with pleasure!!

9. Knows how to raise his standards...also knows when to raise his (ultamount) finger!!
10. The nation loves him...the world respects fanatics adore him..his team swears by him...He...well just keeps about self belief....B.C....

A small anecdote on a leader...a player...a hard it fitness to performance to inspiration to motivates me as well as awakens me as to what a younger guy can do and achieve what I just dream and then crib upon!!!
Here's wishing the next gen Inspiration ...A very Happy Birthday and loads of Success....todi Maa Di......
Keep smiling and Bleed Blue!!


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