
Mother's Love is Peace...It need not be Acquired...It need not be Deserved!!!

Hey Guys....Here I am commiting the most Herendous mistake of my Blog page by trying to summarise the Eternal force in a just a Blog....Maa!!

Maa...Mummy...Mom..Aai...Amma...whatever you call her.....every Noun resembles Peace!!

Live for a 100 years...she has the privilege of spending 9 extra months with us than anyone else!!

She is our 1st Love and the Lasting Memory....Always.....Life can give us all the luxuries....But she is just Irreplaceable!!

The first love for even a Daughter is her Mother.....Father wala is an Archies Myth!!!

The Milk...the food...the studies..the stress...the open days...the boards..the failures ...the tears...the secrets...the habits....she was and is there always!!! Age and Maa are nowhere connected..

She knows everything...N I MEAN everything...hiding from her is hiding from oneself that one has hidden from Her!!!

Maa is the 1st thing that a Child has ever wanted for any and everything of his/her wants....Alas ...He/she still follows the same notion....I do at 30...My dad does at 60!!!

The smile on her face is often neglected....her tears burst through your Heart!!

'TAKEN FOR GRANTED' is coined only for her!!!

She also revolts...relents...complains...cribs....and then she is back to her chores and that's it.....we know...she knows....the 2 min drama has never lasted beyond !!

To treat Maa as a punching bag is a Absorb it all is her KRA...I feel bad writing this....won't when I finish this...

She knows what you like feeding on...what are your habits...what you dislike....Wifies learn it and give it up the hard way!!!!

Her Lap is the Best pillow to the sweetest dreams.....

Grown Hair...bearded look...uncut nails...dark skin....were and are her Biggest concerns !!!!

Trust me and do appreciate....Every anniversary of your Parents ...we salute our Maa for being so patient with our Dad!!!

Maa can never be a Grand mother...She eventually will end up being a Mother even to her grandkids!!!

Maa is infectious!!! Even your Friend's Mother is super duper lovable and adorable....for ages!!!

Well....I can Go on and on and on ...but as I mentioned earlier ...To Summarise Maa in any format is not even next to being Practical!!

Chehre pe Aane deta Nahin....Dilhi Dil mein Gabraata hoon Maa!!!

To all the Mothers out there....No Mother's day or year can suffice or honour you. God isn't are seen and touched and felt and worsipped...Period!!!

Tried to write whatever was possible in a short span....Even a lifespan would be short to summarise Maa... and share!!!


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