Into My ' Dad's Shoes'

Let me start by thanking u all for the awesomest response to my last blog...u guys r the only reason for such an immediate write up..Thank u all..Appreciate!! the title says...when a boy turns 30..he at some age does step up and starts taking up the responsibilities that his dad used to...some earlier...some later and few like me..only partial..but eventually we all will and do somehow want to step into our dad's 30...I feel I m getting into that mould and here r my 25 points abt getting into my dad's shoes!!
1. Damn tough!!!!!
2. I hated his ideologies when I was young..hate the fact to acknowledge how correct he was then!!
3. He did it all with smile...I crib..cry..and feel am doing way too much!!
4. Moms were the only Celebrated creatures then...Dad...u were actually the reason for My mom to make me feel pampered!!
5. He is illiterate or that is what I thought until couple of years I feel..u r the best financial planner ever.
6. Point number 5 comes from a MBA (Finance)
7. He was my villian for most of my life...coz he was the extent that I felt at 30...I just cringe to go back into times and smile and appreciate and thank him for whatever he did to me then.....
Thanks dad
8. He was never there when I achieved something..n I hated him for know u were coping with ur slip disks and high BPs coz u wanted me to achieve at ur cost.
9. Mothers make us feed..fathers r the reasons why our mothers could feed us.
10.From being an idol to a Hitler to an enemy to a flatmate to an elderly figure to a father to a friend and now to being my idol again...I am sorry dad...I snatched 30 years from u to complete the actual cycle. U r the hero!!
11. I love my mother unconditionally..beyond words...she has the same feeling for my dad..SAYS IT ALL!!!
12. From slapping me literally hard for not having my milk to now sharing with me THAT GLASS..u made this journey smooth..I have still been a pain.
13.U wanted me  to be everything that u could not...I Strive hard to be 1/10th of u..n I m a failure..BIG TIME
14. We fight(my guts)..we disagree (may stupidity)...u just seem to forsee what is correct (my pleasure).
15. U r proud of my smallest of achievements...I had..have and will still take u for granted .
16. I don't have time for u..u crave for my time...I m sorry...I m copying u...for my kid(only we both know why and how).
17.I m proud to be your lineage..ur looks..Ur anger...but dad...I have nothing of u that makes u so so so so so great.
18. U r my support..won't and can't say this to u...not my fault...u made this thick line created since ages...but I  know u know.
19. Ppl know me as ur son..I feel bad for that second..but eventually that's the fact and hey will love to be known as ur son forever if I am able to live upto ur legacy.
20. I have literally stepped into ur shoes..stole them and torn them out..u 9..I know u were proud then as well
21. My signature has ur name in it...not that u ASKED ME FOR it..I want u for me.. to always fall back on you in everything.
22.I know u love me the most..won't say it..coz that is generally the case between me..I won't won't let ur equity down (thought u don't trust me with it)
23. Off late we have shared a lot...disagreed  as usual..I feel I m right...we have again disagreed.. u had the final say...but me..I m right!!!
24. I have tried to be u..lot many times...failed everytime..not my fault is a proven fact..BAAP BAAP HOTA HAI
25.finally...loads of things have been written abt mothers..blogs..poetries...songs..eventually...dads r the 1st Idols... only heroes that even the legendary mothers have loved on for since ages..Respect u DAD!!
Ppl around might be able to step into their 'DAD'S SHOES'...for me ur FEET are my 1st steps...luv u papa for making me educated enough to write this with only a few years!!!!...u r the reason why ppl might like this blog..
Guys just a true and honest feeling towards my dad..u can or cannot like it..maa ko duniya salaam thokti hai..papa is the ultimate hero..This is my very very personal tribute to my it only if u can connect to it...!!!


  1. Very nice Zubin
    I have same feeling towards my Dad if I can achieve even 10% what my Dad done in his life nothing like it dear
    Thanks for writing
    Keep Writting

  2. Awesome Zubin.. Almost in every point I myself relate this with my Dad..
    You rightly said that Dad is the unsung hero of the family.. we all since childhood are Mummas boy but Dad is the pillar and today what we are coz of him.. tribute to them.. cheers!

  3. Dad..the strongest, the true ..but many a times "the unsaid secret.."


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