A Daughter's Father !!!

Well...Writing a Blog after almost 5 years..Took a bit of effort..but than writing on what I feel 24 by 7 wasn't that painstaking as well !!!

I m a father to a 21 month daughter now guys!! Sia is her name and she means the globe to me.

Being a father isn't easy mentally...And when she turns 21 Months old now, here are the list of 21 points of the transformations that I have (and am) gone through during this process of Fatherhood !!

1. Be proud..the biggest gift that a human can give to the world is reproduce..I have my Bi-product now.
2. You live your childhood once again..this time though with a lot more Maturity.
3. Nothing but her kiss on my forehead and her innocent thrill when I go home from work matters.
4. You suddenly become responsible..plan for her..financially..physically..mentally.
5. You are no longer the Star of the family.
6. She decides on My holiday schedule.
7. Diapers are now more important than my Gillete Mach4.
8. You will have to bowl much longer now..coz she just won't give up Batting !!!
9. Try and snatch your sleep before she starts her kick boxing at 3 am on the bed..
10. Can't touch my spouse..coz she ain't my wife anymore..But ONLY HER MUMMY.
11. My Gujju dad proves he is a gujarati...let's reap byaaj (interest)..mool (principle) is uninteresting now !!
blog on how it feels to be a father to a Daughter

12. My Car's front seat is her Throne...
13. My back is horse back now..and my voice has to be of a Lion/ Goat/ Elephant/ Cat...depends on which animal she is thinking off !!! 
14. You want her to look like u.but am glad she is fair..(the Indian male chauvinism).
15. Your mom compares her with u as a kid..and we are made to realise...we were cruel too.
16. Want her to be great..but deep down..don't want this innocence of her to go away.
17. Feeding her alongside on dinner table suddenly makes you feel full.
18. The perfumes are no longer wanted..johnson baby powder's smell is the aroma to wake up with.
19. Might have the biggest burdens of life on shoulders..holding her tiny fingers while walking surpasses them all...by a huge margin
20.My mother has 2 babbu(s) in the house now..no guesses who is the loved one.
21..She made me write again..need I say anything more now.
Proud of being a father..Prouder that I am a father of a Daughter!!!

As they say - 
मुलगी झाली .... तिचा बाबा शिकला .... प्रगती तर होणारच !!!!!


  1. Very nice Zubin keep writing dear. It really help us to remind/recollect our childhood forgotten memories.
    Best wishesh

  2. One more thing.. Now u r the roll model of ur kids,so u can't go wrong anywhere... U have to b perfect all the time n u have to set good examples in front of them... Be it honesty,truth or whatever v speak.. V have to be very careful in front of them.. Parenthood is a big responsibility...

  3. Very beautifully said. Enjoy !!!

  4. Your words flow like river.. smooth and calm and peaceful... Beautifully penned... Gives deja vu feeling to Dad's... Nd opens new imaginative world altogether for would be dad's... Made my day..!!

    From : Gagan lahoty

  5. Awesome feeling to have a baby. I felt the same as you Zubin. Now I am surviving for him and his desires. That is why sacrifice is the other name of a father . Nowadays money matters a lot but I have been working as an evangelical speaker everywhere and it motivates me too." Love your neighbor thy your self." Is my life tag. Thank you.

  6. Awesome feeling to have a baby. I felt the same as you Zubin. Now I am surviving for him and his desires. That is why sacrifice is the other name of a father . Nowadays money matters a lot but I have been working as an evangelical speaker everywhere and it motivates me too." Love your neighbor thy your self." Is my life tag. Thank you.

  7. Dear Zubinji.. Very well said.. Daughters are really a blessing and we are all proud of this fact.... They are the reason we work and try that extra bit.. God bless Sia and all the Lil Angels ...


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