The Legacy of 'MADRASI MAMI'

Hey Guys, This Blog is dedicated to a person whose Place, Memories and Importance is my life is irreplaceable. Today on the 1st anniversary of her departure,  with choked emotions, am sharing with you the times spent with her.

There was this typical South Indian Grandmother,slim built and towering stature, always active and always with a ‘to die for smile’ on her face.
The 1st impressions which I have of her is of a doting Grandmother running behind me to feed me those last few hand-fists of ‘Rice with Rasam’.. My mornings would begin by seeing her face and the days would end in her Lap.
She had been my biggest savior, my guardian, my best confidant and perhaps the only person who could save me from my Dad’s thrashing!!
I have thrived on her Rice, Rasam, Appams, Kaanjis, Dosas and she would make sure I am hand fed by her irrespective of my age!!
My entire childhood had been spent around her…playing, eating, learning, cheating, hiding and doing all those fun filled things which my parents wouldn’t have allowed….She made it possible.
She made sure I was disciplined, well mannered and at the same time - Gunda of my Area…She eventually ended up nick naming me ‘GUNDA’ for the rest of her life.
I had seen her picking up fights with any and every body who would come complaining about my mischief even though we both knew that I was the eventual culprit.
As I grew along occupied with stresses of life, responsibilities, academics, career, I could see her missing me, missing the times spent with her, missing the pampering that she could no longer do…
At the same time, I could see her being happy, proud of my achievements, basking in the fact that her doting Grandson has gone on to be a mature (as per her beliefs) man, who can now handle himself well.
But that hardly changed the fact that she always remained by best confidant…things that could not be understood by anybody else were understood by her…Her eyes often giving me those consoling and assuring looks. She had an awesome sense of Humor and that often helped breaking loads of ice during the later part of our lives.
Every child in the locality was loved by her and loved her immensely…and I am proud to say that I was and will always be her favourite Gundaa!!
Miss you Mami and I know for a fact that You are always around…Pampering me…Loving me….Protecting me till eternity!!

P.S – She is the person mentioned in my 2nd blog on this page – ‘Those were the Days’


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