Wake Up.......

Hey Friends! It’s been long since I have posted something on this Page. Was a Bit Occupied with Professional Commitments and Cluttered Mind.
The Recent Months had been really tough and demanding, both mentally as well as physically. Lots of travelling, Stress, Odd Office Timings, Missing out on Fun Time with Friends, Family Events and what not.
The current Lifestyles, Busy Schedules and the need to be in the Race has egged me to jot down few questions which we may like to ask ourselves…. Trust me, once you go through them all, you might get a Wakeup Call!!!!
Remember, these questions have no right or wrong answers.  Because asking the right question is the answer in itself!

·         If Today were the last day of your Life, would you want to do what you are about to do today?
·         What worries you most about the Future?
·         Are you holding on to something that you need to let Go Of?
·         If we learn from our Mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?
·         If you had a Friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes talk to yourself…..how long would you allow that person to be your Friend?
·         What Impact do you want to leave on the World?
·         Is it Out of Reach…..or you have just not stretched yourself Far Enough?
·         In the Haste of our Daily Lives…..What are we not Seeing?
·         If you haven’t achieved it yet….What do you have to lose?
·         How do you know whether its time to continue holding on or time to let go?
·         Why do you Matter?
·         How many of your Friends would you trust with your Life?
·         Are You Happy with Yourself?
·         What is one fear that you know is Holding you Back?
·         What do you do with the Majority of Your Money?
·         What have you done….that you are not Proud of?
·         Other than Money, what else have you Gained from your Current Job?
·         What’s the Number One change that you want to bring in your Life in the Next 12 Months?
·         When did you not speak up when you should have?
·         What are you Procrastinating on this very Moment?
·         In what way you are your own worst enemy?
·         What do you wish you didn’t know?
·         What have you Given Up On?..........Have you?
·         What Mistakes do you make…..over and over Again?
·         What do you do when you love someone…..who does not love you back?
·         What has been Draining Your Happiness?
·         What do you Intend to Accomplish before you die?
·         What has the little voice inside your Head saying to you Lately?
·         What is worse than Death?
·         What do you do when other people do not Like you?
·         What’s the easiest way to Waste Life?

Try Answering Them ….. I am sure few of the Above Questions might Wake You Up !!!!!

Keep Commenting!!


  1. nice one bro..well it will take a lill bit of time to answer all of those

  2. Y r u holding urself back from doin things u know u can accomplish

  3. @ Darshan.....Dnt even try to answer them all.....trust me...if u can get clarity even abt 5 of them....u r sorted.......

  4. its hard to answer all , bt in my opinion life will keep asking question every day and "the answer to all questions is dealing with shit and staying strong"

  5. Nice one sir. Truly inspired. Well if ans to the ques were avbl then life would have been something different.

  6. Zubin...really good one..it made me sit back and ponder upon these questions...Continue writing....

  7. this reminds me of a book called winner stands alone :) loved all your points

  8. This is one of the best posts i ve read recently on the blogs.... got a wake up call on the first 2 qs itself.... :P

  9. Thanks Guys...Keep Answering !

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.


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