Work Hard at Working Smart!

Hey Guys....
Writing this article was a fun filled experience as it is so very much related to people of our generation.. People who have found a new jargon which sounds ultra cool - 'Work Smart - and Not Hard' while it becomes insanely difficult for us to differentiate amongst the two at most,if not all the times.
The idea behind writing this particular piece was to try and make life a bit simpler than what it is at both work place as well as home by working hard at working smart......
“If it is to be, it’s up to me”
Of course we need to look at what the point of either working hard or smart really is.  People who work hard and people who work smart have different measures of success.
Those that work hard usually evaluate success based on inputs such as the number of hours they work and the number of tasks they accomplish in a day or in a week and ultimately seek a large paycheck. Typically hard work means something like 60 or 70 hours a week (sometimes 80 or 90), working at home in the evenings and weekends, and continuously juggling multiple projects in a frantic attempt to get them all done. This is not hard work, this is simply poor management of your time and a clear lack of understanding of your strengths and skills.  Not to mention the inability to balance your work life and your personal life.  I don’t have anything against people that work hard and slave away day to day, it’s just not the type of person I want to be.  There are many successful people in the world who call themselves hard workers, and that they are.
Those that work smart usually evaluate success based on the amount of discretionary time they have to do whatever it is they want to do.  Smart workers don’t focus on inputs they focus on prioritizing in order to achieve the most valuable outputs in the most efficient ways.  Smart workers usually have a much better work-life balance, are entrepreneurs, are able to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and manage time effectively.  For example, a smart worker will realize that they are more productive during a certain time of day and will batch their tasks based on difficulty to match with when they are most productive.  A hard worker, has a long list and just checks off tasks one a time as he goes down the list.
There isn’t a better or worse way to get things done... it’s based on preference.  We don’t really admire people that make a tonnes of money and work ridiculous hours,instead we admire people that are successful yet still have discretionary time and a solid work life balance.
I think there are a few key things that can help people work smart (if they so desire)
  • Understand your strengths and weaknesses and try to take on projects/products/clients that match your strengths while delegating or outsourcing projects or tasks that fall within your “weaknesses” category..
  • Don’t focus on completing a lot of tasks, focus on completing the most important tasks that will have the greatest impact on whatever it is you are doing.  Prioritize and manage your time effectively, this means understanding when you are most productive, what tasks take you the longest time to complete, etc.Do the most typical task when you are the most productive!
  • Don’t waste emotional currency in return for financial currency.  What I mean here is don’t work at a job that makes you feel miserable just because they are paying you well.  Now, you can’t just up and leave a job that is responsible for your financial security so the smart thing to do here is to start saving and aggressively looking for another job that you can transition to.  
  • Education is your best friend.  Working smart is all about understanding the big picture.  You need to constantly learn and evolve your skill set, so if you’re a finance guy,you might want to learn about Financial Markets, Derivatives, Charts,Candles,Straddles-Strangles.. and some of the other things that make markets crazy.  Don’t narrow your scope.  You need to be able to adapt and evolve with the times.
  • Don’t be scared to outsource.  I outsource a lot of admin work which was saving me hours a week.  All of my documentation, client servicing,, basic research and information tasks, and some email, is all handled by someone else which allows me to focus my time on the things that really matter.
  • Leverage your resources, your network, and your connections.  You have to understand what and who you have around you should you need help at any given time.
  • Build for the future while being able to sustain tomorrow.  Let’s say you close a 200k deal for a months worth of work, what do you do with the money you earned?  Some people are overjoyed and decide to go out and splurge but the best thing to do (in my opinion) is to think about and build for the future.  Basically, when you get a paycheck, use what you need to cover expenses and enjoy yourself but don’t forget to build and plan for the future.  You really need to understand what you are trying to build and why.
  • Know when to cut your losses.  We all make mistakes, learn when you have made a mistake and move on.  Don’t invest your time and your resources into a lost cause, there’s no point.  Do what you can to salvage your work and maintain the relationship, understand what went wrong and why, and then move on; making sure this mistake is not repeated in the future.
  • Look for the shortcuts.  This doesn’t mean cut corners in a way that makes your work less valuable or complete.  It means, understanding the regular process that is required to accomplish something and then understanding if that whole process is necessary.  Is there a way to complete the same task with the same quality of work but in a more efficient way?
  • Work hard at working smart!

And Lastly -
Work hard but work smart. If we've done something, let everyone know about it, if necessary blow our own horn . . . . . . . .coz  'Jo Dikhta Hai....Wohi Bikta Hai'

Wat Say ?????


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good one Zubin, in the current scenario wht matters the most is 'Smart Work' & u hve written very well abt it :)
    Keep writing... looking fwd for many more such write-ups from ur side

  3. hey i jus read half of your posts. But watever i read was pretty nice...& plz change the background...its irritating..:-(


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