

“I've always been a true believer in my transparency, reflecting equally on everyone and offering them a clear view through my eyes. By remaining clear and authentic, I aimed to bridge connections and provide a genuine perspective, allowing others to see both themselves and the world through my unclouded vision. Then why was I deceived? While I was beautiful to none, none looked at me— only through me . It felt as if I were invisible, a mere presence drifting past their gaze, never truly seen or acknowledged for the essence I carried within. I've always been an introvert, opening up only when someone genuinely wanted to know me. Despite the times I felt overlooked and neglected, I still found solace in comforting others. When they reached out, I set aside my own wounds and offered support, quietly staying by their side. Each moment of their need became my purpose, even as my own struggles went unseen. Their comfort was my solace, a way to find meaning in the shadows

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day had forever been a melancholic occasion for her. While her friends revelled in the blissful entanglements of their relationships, she found herself submerged in a sea of desolation. The day served as a painful reminder of her solitude, amplifying her feelings of loneliness and longing. But this year, to the complete astonishment of her friends, who would typically mock the day's futility, she had a date! The news of her newfound romantic connection left her friends in disbelief. They were accustomed to her being the perpetual single one, the one who would roll her eyes at the commercialized nature of the holiday. Yet, here she was, breaking free from her usual melancholy and embracing the special day. However, she chose to keep the identity of her companion a secret. Deep down, she feared that revealing it might somehow cast a spell of misfortune upon her newfound excitement. Perhaps she worried that the universe would conspire against her happiness

Adieu 2023

Gather 'round, folks! This is our final blog post of the year, and boy, oh boy, was 2023 a wild ride! It was jam-packed with thrilling events, unexpected twists, a sprinkle of let-downs, and all sorts of other shenanigans. Let's dive into a whimsical recap of how this rollercoaster of a year unfolded. Numero Uno:  India has officially overtaken China as the most populous country in the world. With a staggering 142.86 crore people, India has triumphed over China's paltry 142.57 crore. India hosts G20 Summit:  Oh, what an honour! India has taken the helm of the G20 and assumed the role of host for a two-day summit in New Delhi on September 9-10. A sign of things to come for India! Brace yourselves, world, for India's grand showcase! #pictureabhibaakihaimeredost ISRO:  Oh, what a reason for India to rejoice! In July, India launched Chandrayaan-3, its highly anticipated moon mission. The celebration didn't stop there, folks! In August, Chandrayaan-3 made his

A Road trip

It was that time of the year again when Akash and Priya decided to embark on a much-anticipated road trip. With the monsoon season in full bloom, they couldn't resist the allure of a romantic drive to the picturesque destination of Goa. Excitement filled the air as they packed their bags, ensuring they had everything they needed for their adventure. The couple's hearts were brimming with anticipation as they set off in their trusty car, ready to create unforgettable memories along the way. As they hit the open road, the raindrops danced on the windshield, adding a touch of magic to their journey. The lush green landscapes, adorned with vibrant flowers and swaying trees, painted a breathtaking backdrop for their road trip. The rhythmic sound of raindrops on the roof of the car provided a soothing soundtrack to their adventure. "This sound of rain is just so soothing, Akash," Priya gushed while holding his hand. "It makes you fall in love with me all ov

A Wedding

She gazed at herself one final time in the mirror, her beauty taking the breath away. Clad in a pink gown, adorned with a glittering necklace and elegant long earrings, her smile illuminated the joy within her soul. The occasion? Her wedding day. Eight years had elapsed since they first met, a memory she held dear. The office cafeteria, rain pouring outside, and an exchanged glance – those glances soon bloomed into smiles, paving the way for conversations. Their similarities were abundant – a shared love for fun, a carefree spirit, an appetite for adventure, a passion for travel, and above all, a harmonious concept of love. It was during their frequent road trips that they realized there was something more than just friendship between them. It was a cold winter night in Dehradun. They were sitting on the logs next to the campfire. The night was dark, and the cold breeze, along with the calmness of the landscape, made the atmosphere romantic. She was staring at the stars abo

A Conversation

In the late hours of the night, when the clock had long passed two, a sense of tranquility filled the dimly lit yet cozy room, where two figures rested. She nestled beside him, her head finding solace on his chest. "You should go off to sleep now. Let's continue this conversation tomorrow," he murmured, his weariness evident in a gentle yawn. "I don't feel sleepy at all. Please talk for some time," she requested, her voice reflecting an eager excitement.   Responding to her enthusiasm, he mustered up energy to indulge her curiosity. "Ummm, okay! Let me ask you something," she began, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. "What did you feel when you saw me for the first time?" A nostalgic smile played on his lips as he tried to articulate his feelings. "Well, I was like, I mean, how do I put it into words?" he pondered. "I wasn't in my senses, I guess. You looked stunning then, just as you do now. Your mesmerizi


She stood at the edge of the shoreline, her toes sinking into the soft, grainy sand. The rhythmic crashing of the waves against the shore filled her with a sense of serenity and awe. It was as if each wave carried a message, a story waiting to be heard. She turned to her husband of 15 years, who stood beside her, munching on the peanuts they had bought from a seaside vendor. "I just love the sound of these waves. They have a particular rhythm, a pattern, and a melody. It is indeed music to the ears," she said, a smile illuminating her face. He chuckled, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "I never knew you were a philosopher," he joked, teasingly nudging her shoulder. She laughed and gently nudged him back. "Well, you learn something new every day," she replied, her voice tinged with affection. Lost in the tranquility of the moment, they both fell silent, allowing the gentle breeze to caress their faces. The smell of the sea mingled with the sal