Happy Father's Day

Hey Guys, Welcome to the Blogpage Again. As the title says, it is Father's Day Today. Though we don't need a Day to celebrate our relationship with our dad, but thought it would be appropriate to pen down a few facts about Fathers all accross!! They made us laugh, live, play , learn, breath and shout, and they did all this by putting up with the strive, fight, hardships, pains and all these Silently!! They often said NO to our wishes, demands, requests and Pleads. Glad they said NO!!! They were strict!! Yes they were. Just to ensure that we don't have to go through that they were still going through whilst they were Strict!! Their Messenger to us were always our Mothers, and Mothers being Mothers never took the blame!! They Thrashed us and hence were the Villians of our Childhood, only to secretly kiss our forehead after we sobbed to sleep!! They taught us how to ride a bicycle, even ran behind us while we rode....And waited for years ...