India 'Shining'

Hey guys...thank you all for your love and encouragement on my blogs...Appreciate!! This very blog is a bit special as am penning it down for a very dear friend of mine. CHAPPAN KI CHAATI and FEKU have been the term synonymous with the nation's growth and the so called doubts that have been created by Media called for this Introspection!! Here's a look at whether we are indeed Shining India?! 1. Politics and Politicians have never made the nation great...We the People have!! Alas some Politicians have used the Aam Aadmi jargon as their acronym...cough cough!! 2. 65 % population (we are the 2 largest mind you) is under the age of 35.More than 35 Million are about our biggest asset...Human Capital!! 3. Infrastructure is booming like never before....admit it guys...Metros did not exist 5 years back and frequent flyer was only for a few elite!!! 4. Savings....well just ask what the Mutual Fund managers are upto!!! The saving per capita is HUGEndrou...