Different Moulds !!!
Since the last Blog was on Childhood, I thought that the best way to carry it forward would be by posting something about friendship. Friends – Of all shapes, sizes, moods, attitudes, perceptions, pockets, ambitions and of course the most dangerous of them all – Brains ! Friends need not be necessarily of the same Mould. I mean they may be drastically different in their approach towards life, things, people and quite often of themselves too.. And this difference is what makes me categorize US (i.e me and my friends) into 3 categories as below - Let us call them - A, B and C . All three have a fairly enviable education background. All are in their prime now (25 types). A works for One of the biggest private limited companies in its segment and has plans of being listed soon. This company is one of few organized players in India's burgeoning retail market. A is one of the most extraordinary people that we would have ever met. Altho...