Him and Her

It was a lazy Sunday afternoon. The sound of rains and the smell of mud in ensemble with a cold breeze was a perfect set up for an afternoon nap. His eyes were getting heavier and he dropped his phone to go off to sleep. Alas! He could not. He had an uncomfortable feeling, feeling of being watched by someone, someone perhaps evil. She hated him!! She saw him lying at the edge of the bed, unaware and unarmed!! This was her perfect opportunity. Her moves were as sharp and silent as that of a predator approaching its prey. Standing behind him, with a spark in her eyes, vengeance on her mind, her lips twitched into a smile and ....She kicked him of the bed!! He was shocked!!! He never saw it coming, literally! Angry, a bit hurt, he tried to gather himself from the shock and stood up to face her. She was smiling, a smile of a demon being extremely proud of the pain caused to a human being. She was relishing in the aftermath of a long awaited act of revenge. Seeing her smile made him outrage...