Gone too Soon

Hey All, Welcome to the Blog Page once again. Tough times!!! The 2nd wave of Covid has led to a complete chaos across the nation. Shortage of Beds, Shortage of Oxygen, Shortage of Medicines and perhaps Shortage of Empathy towards a Human Life! With so many dear and near ones losing their lives fighting the virus, a short write up on the importance of the word 'Life' itself - Talk - Take time to talk, meet, greet your friends. Having a heartfelt conversation with your loved ones is always better than having a teary eye one side chat with a photo frame. Laugh it out and sail it through together. The tides do change unexpectedly. Spend time - With your family. Being busy with Life's commitments is just a part of Life and not LIFE in itself. Your family need YOU and not the baggage or the status that you carry. Ensure your loved ones get enough of your slice until it is too late. A family get together over a dinner is much better than a family union at a funeral!! Share ...