Weeping Windows

The window wept as Nia watched through the glass. The low hum of the people surrounding the corridor, outside her room, echoed like a booming missile in the inside. With an empty cup in her hand, she watched. These days that was all she could do and all she had. Watching . Watching as summer turned to winter. Winter to rainy or autumn or spring. She watched with an endless wish to fly out of the windows and touch the endless seasons and the changes. She wanted to reach out. To be a part of the world that was moving on without her. She longed for it. Yearned. To touch the new burst of the buds during Spring. To walk along the crunchy leaves during Autumn. To get a suntan on Summer. But watching… That was all she would do. She could do. All she was forced to do. One day, when she was immensely tired of watching, she stood in front of the windows and considered jumping down from the third floor. But she knew it was a stupid idea, because she was no superman to fly. So she just sat there a...