Mother & Daughter || FICKLE EMOTIONS

"You Know I had always felt that you love Chintan more than me. He was the younger one and you had always sheltered him, pampered him and Me...I would just be jealous, sad and crave for your love. But then, as they say, we daughters are daddy's girls and I had dad around me." Ruchi said to her Mother while remembering her childhood. "You know how everyone said that I looked more like daddy and less like you? I somehow did not like it. I had always secretly admired your beauty. Your deep eyes, that magnetic smile, the soft skin and the long hair...I wanted them all. I wanted so very much to be like you...Infact you!" Ruchi continued. "I remember the day of my wedding when you were dressing me up. The pride in your eyes to see me all dressed up as a bride. Wearing your bangles and the earrings on my wedding day was a very special moment Mom. It felt as if you and not your jewelry is with me helping me take that plunge and easing the transition." she ...