The Lockdown Poetry

Hey Guys. Welcome to the Blog page once again. It has been more than a month since most of us have been confined to our homes due to Covid and the Lock down. With the Corona Cases soaring and the Quarantine extended yet again, the compulsion of being at home makes a lot of us feel being homeless!! Penning down a short poetry on Lock down with a hope that it makes you smile. 1st January 2020 when we bid a farewell to 2019, A new hope, a new zeal and the resolutions to Shine, Come, emerge Wuhan and the world went into Quarantine, Welcome 2020, Welcome Covid-19. The Positives are being Treated, The Negatives heaving a Sigh, Everyone is checking their Fever, Wondering whether the temperature is a bit High. The Stocks markets have been Crashing, The Economies going for a Toss, While Trump is busy Tweeting, China showed...Who's the Boss. The cases soon spread beyond Wuhan, Paris, Spain, London and Tehran, New york does not have a Clue, While sanctions handi...