
Dear Martyrs, You have sacrificed your lives for all of Us whom you have never met, seen and heard of. Yet you sacrificed you lives, families, happiness and just gave up your lives for the sake of US. While we here are worried and frustrated on basic things in life,I am unable to come up with words to describe what you did for US ... and US now are Mere Mortals, You who gave up your Life for we can crib, breath, live, party and still crib!! A note for those Jawans who have nothing but a Madness running in their oxygen, A Madness of Love....Love for US!!! Your Mother is still Waiting for you to Come Back; She feels the news of your Sacrifice is just a Prank. Your Wife is busy in her chores; Little does she know, you are NO MORE. Your old father is hardly able to Walk; Little does he know, the voice he yearns to hear will now never be able to Talk. Your Kids are proud coz you are a Soldier; Little do they know, you will ride the last on their Shoulder. ...